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The Quality Improvement Program includes initiatives to ensure that members are receiving age-appropriate preventive health screenings and interventions to optimize health.

The information on this page provides useful information and tools for managing patient care based on industry-standard clinical practice guidelines.

Preventive Depression Screening Program

The Depression Prevention program promotes collaboration, continuity and coordination between medical and behavioral health care.


New: HEDIS Measurement Year 2024 Toolkit

HEDIS® Measurement Year Adult Pocket Guide 2024

HEDIS® Measurement Year Adult Pocket Guide 2024

HEDIS Measurement Year 2023 Toolkit

HEDIS® Measurement Year Adult Pocket Guide 2023

HEDIS® Measurement Year Adult Pocket Guide 2023

HEDIS® At-a-Glance STARS Measures

CAHPS and HOS Resources

CAHPS (Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems) Resource Guide

Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS) is a survey tool that asks patients to evaluate their experience with their health plan and at providers’ offices.

HOS Health Outcomes Survey

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Last Updated On: 5/14/2024