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23-345m: Help Your Patients Stay on Their Medication Therapy Plan

April 14, 2023 

Work on medication adherence early in the year for best results

Engaging patients and the health care team early in the year is essential to success in achieving medication adherence and persistence. Physicians and other providers are imperative to revealing adherence challenges and arriving at patient-centered solutions to overcome adherence barriers and challenges.

Here are some things you can do to improve overall medication adherence rates for members:

  • Work closely with the pharmacy
    • Help member synchronize refill dates
    • Set up auto-refill or home delivery
    • Remember to approve refill requests on time

  • Switch to a 90-day supply
    • Members won't need to visit the pharmacy as often

  • Use pill boxes
    • Help members organize their medication

  • Avoid brand medication
    • Expensive costs prevent members from taking their medication as prescribed. Most generics are covered at a $0 copay

Besides working with your members directly, talk to your office staff to implement phone/text message outreach. Send reminder calls/texts to members for appointments, lab work and medication refills. Pay extra attention to members who recently were discharged from a hospital and schedule a follow-up appointment for medication review. Refer to the Help Your Patients with Diabetes Adhere to Statin Therapy Treatment tip sheet for more talking points and best practices to put in place to improve adherence and overcome barriers.

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Last Updated On: 2/5/2025