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23-156: CAIR Registry Immunization Reporting

February 7, 2023

Enroll in the California Immunization Registry or RIDE/Healthy Futures

Providers who give vaccines must enter immunization information with race and ethnicity

Providers who give patient vaccinations are required to enter immunization information with the patient’s race and ethnicity into the California Immunization Registry (CAIR). This became effective January 1, 2023, through an amendment to Assembly Bill (AB) 1797. CAIR is operated by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH).

Who should use RIDE/Healthy Futures

Providers in San Joaquin County must enter patient immunization information in the RIDE/Healthy Futures registry instead of CAIR. Providers in these counties do not need to register in both immunization registries.

Enroll in CAIR or RIDE/Healthy Futures

If your practice does not currently participate in an immunization registry and you provide immunizations, contact either CAIR or RIDE/Healthy Futures. For more information or to start the enrollment process, go to:

Submit data or check participation status

If your practice is enrolled in an immunization registry but does not currently submit data or you need to check the status of your participation in one of the registries, contact:

Add past vaccination doses

Historical vaccinations are either vaccinations given by your site in the past but not added to CAIR as New Immunizations or those given by another provider that were never added to CAIR (i.e., entered on the patient's yellow card, but are not in CAIR).

Providers in San Joaquin County will need to report historical vaccinations to RIDE/Healthy Futures at For assistance, contact the RIDE/Healthy Futures Help Desk at 209-468-2292 or by email at

Start reporting vaccinations right away

The CDPH expects providers to start reporting to CAIR or RIDE/Healthy Futures as soon as all the necessary steps are completed. Refer to Add past vaccination doses above when you are ready.

For help in reporting doses as quickly as possible, contact CAIR and RIDE/Healthy Futures staff.

Verify data exchange submissions

If your organization uses data exchange (DX), CAIR requires that you set up at least one staff person with a Data Exchange Quality Assurance (DX QA) user role in CAIR. The DX QA user role allows access to the CAIR 'Check Status' page (PDF) for monitoring data submissions and data quality.  

For more information, visit the Data Exchange Monitoring Resources section on the CAIR2 User Guides webpage. This is found on the CDPH website.

Talk to patients about privacy concerns

Let patients know that CAIR or RIDE/Healthy Futures is safe and private. By law, it can be used only by authorized people in their medical office or health plan.

In addition, schools, childcare centers, Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) programs, foster care agencies, and other programs can be authorized to look up shot records — but only for the children they serve. The registry can only be used to check shot records, see what shots are due and see how many children need shots.

  • You are required by law to inform them before their information is added to CAIR or RIDE/Healthy Futures.
  • Provide a copy of the Immunization Registry Notice to Patients and Parents for them to read. This notice is on the CDPH website. This is the 'disclosure form.' They do not have to sign it. The form is available in several languages.

Patients who decline immunization sharing

  • If patients do not want their immunization record being shared with other CAIR or RIDE/Healthy Futures providers, they must download, complete and fax the Decline to Share or Start Sharing Immunization Information Request lock/unlock forms to the CAIR Help Desk at 888-436-8320.
  • See CAIR FAQs on the CDPH website for more information.

Enter vaccine doses on the same day

You are strongly encouraged to enter doses into a registry on the same day that they are administered.

  • It is beneficial (and in some cases a requirement) for providers, staff and patients.
  • It makes entry of doses and inventory management easier.
  • It helps patients quickly show proof of coverage to meet school or work vaccination requirements.

Additional Information

If you have questions regarding the information contained in this update, contact 866 999 3945.


This information applies to Physicians, Hospitals, Ancillary Providers, and Independent Practice Associations

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Last Updated On: 2/5/2025